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Lic #0F79042


Certified Mentor

Success Coach

Life Insurance Advisor

Retirement Advisor

Registered Social Security Analyst

Business Builder Coach

Woman-owned and operated for 16 years, Wendy Zapata is owner/CEO of NorCal Financial and Insurance Solutions.  Located in Yuba City, CA, Wendy possesses multiple licenses throughout the United States.  Wendy knows that every client has specific needs, which she meets by creating a specialized approach for each client. Her ultimate goal is to provide the greatest benefit for the client, bringing peace of mind and a stress-free feeling whether it is Medi-Care planning, Tax-Free Retirement Planning and/or Safe Retirement that provides a lifetime income.


A proud community advocate in the Yuba-Sutter area, Wendy prides herself not only as a community servant but as a resource for her clients.  If you have a need, Wendy will connect you with the person or organization that can help.  Wendy will assess your financial situation, make recommendations on where you can save and re-allocate your funds for current and future needs.  She is honored to know that she has helped countless families and individuals in her community, saving them anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars annually by making a few simple changes while still meeting their needs.  Dollars may not cure cancer/illness but dollars sure can cure stress!


A former factory worker, Wendy worked graveyard shifts and felt like a zombie most days. She missed many of her children’s events while she was working to provide for them. Today Wendy is an accomplished business professional who has transformed her life. A mentor to many agents, Wendy has a passion to help people.  She continually expands her team to offset the agent shortage that our country is currently experiencing.  Wendy’s goal is to build a team that can support the current and future needs of the people in their communities.

Disclaimer for NorCal Financial and Insurance Solutions The content and materials provided on the NorCal Financial and Insurance Solutions ("NorCal") website, located at www.wendyZapata.com, are for informational and educational purposes only. NorCal is a financial and insurance services company based in Yuba City, California. The information provided on this website does not constitute professional advice, endorsement, or recommendations for specific financial products, services, or strategies. While NorCal makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information provided, we do not guarantee or warrant that the information is free from errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. NorCal shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that may arise from your reliance on or use of any information on this website. It is your responsibility to consult with a qualified financial professional or insurance agent before making any financial or insurance-related decisions based on the information provided on this website. The products and services mentioned on this website may not be suitable for all individuals or circumstances. The information and materials on this website are subject to change without notice, and NorCal is under no obligation to update

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